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Are you Resisting your True Calling?

Let’s change those self-inflicted thoughts

Man with Bonsai Plant
What is your True Calling

Throughout history, philosophers, teachers, and sages have all said the same thing: Do what only you can do, what your soul yearns to do, and what you were put here to do.

Most set aside the “true calling.”  We do not believe we can tap into what we were meant to do. But our souls, deep down, know better. When we do not pursue our truth, we are countered with a deep, unsettling angst, a sort of quiet desperation that tells you – go do that thing.

 In 1958, philosopher Eric Fromm warned about how we could destroy ourselves, saying, 

"I think [for most people], work is to a large extent meaningless because we are not related to it... we unconsciously hate our work because we feel trapped and imprisoned by it.  We feel that we are spending most of our energy on something that has no meaning in itself.”

In a sense, we have collectively destroyed our souls through endless tedious work and fear, which brings about distractions that separate us from our creative Truth.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein

So, we acquiesce to letting AI do the work while algorithms serve up entertainment as we gorge on dopamine hits through our screens. But deep down, we know we were put on earth to accomplish much more than we are. We were put here to uncover, become, and live our Truth.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” - Gospel of Thomas

We were not meant to live the way we are.  And deep down, we all know it.

How much time do you have left? Given that we will all die one day, why are we not expressing our unique genius? Is it our subconscious fear?  

You have a God-given, one-of-a-kind, unique talent that you and you alone possess. How will you feel if you go your entire life with that buried?

Exploring your unique talents is your path to creating true happiness. You are here to share your unique viewpoint in a way only you can, and creating is the ultimate way to do that.

This is why I believe in starting an “I don’t care if I fail project” –

It will help you pursue your truth without judgment from yourself or others. You may not find your ultimate truth, but you are allowing yourself to start creating something new, pursue ideas, and overcome the fear of walking the path.

When you start to uncover what you truly want, you must go after it with your heart and soul. (There is no “try.”)  You can’t just keep piling up desire upon desire without acting.

It’s an unbelievably big first step. You’ve moved beyond “I can’t” and beyond “I won’t” to “I will.”

It’s a process of becoming. 

Once you are fully into your genius, you will have uncovered Your Truth to such a degree that you will not feel pigeonholed into a niche, a medium, or a specific project. You will know what you, and only you, are here to share. 

Here’s how I started my “I don’t care if I fail project.” - - it’s now going beyond the experiment


For those who do not know about my project, I have always loved the idea of being an artist.  But I knew nothing about art.  It was just the idea; “I wish I were an artist living in a magical place and creating really cool stuff.”


About three years ago, while facilitating a psilocybin retreat and in deep meditation with my guest, I was given a vision of creating art during integration the following day. The download was that art was about releasing Energy.

It was like an experience I had with my friend Hiroyuki Tagawa (lead actor in Mortal Combat). He took me to see an old Japanese artist giving an art demonstration. He had giant paintbrushes and paper about 6 feet long on the wall. There was a lot of “ceremony” with Japanese drummers building up an energy with their powerful sound. You could feel the pounding in your heart. When the energy was built to its peak, the old Japanese man took the brush and approached the wall like he was going into a Samurai fight with his sword. 

WOW – it was amazing. 

It was all about the Energy—he was not painting within lines or with any thought of perfection. It was just a release of Energy, and a beautiful painting emerged within that energy. I was all in!! 

That day has been on my mind for many years. I never pursued doing this myself because, of course, I would not even consider myself able to do such a thing. So, it was just in my memory.  

However, years later, while facilitating this journey with the mushrooms, all these powerful ideas flooded into me. But this time, it was ME doing the art with the big brush. It was about me being able to show how the Energy worked. It was about tapping into the concept of Wabi Sabi—the Art of Imperfection—the art of not caring where the Idea ended up.

This time, I did not hesitate and immediately pursued buying a giant paintbrush and having it shipped to Mexico. Then, I went to the art store here in San Miguel de Allende and bought sheets of giant paper - also a hardware store where I bought several large tarps as I did not have a big wall to put the paper on. So, they went on the ground.

Painting with giant paint brush
My first painting . . . releasing energy

And this started what would become my “I don’t care if I fail project” - -

It was just about experimenting . . . and Thank You, psilocybin mushrooms, for bringing this dormant idea forward.

Now, three years later, my “I don’t care if I fail project" has gained new momentum. 

I now share this energy integration with psilocybin guests -

Guest Painting with Giant Brush
Guest Painting with Giant Brush

My art is now on the walls at a beautiful retreat center -

Art on Wall
My Art on Wall at Retreat Center

I’m starting The Wabi Shop to sell my work during Art Walks in San Miguel -

I just manifested the most beautiful little Casa within a magical hacienda property that is blocks long and has gardens. It surpasses all my dreams of what my studio would be. 

Gardens and Hacienda
My Art Studio Gardens and Casa

I’m so grateful for all this, and it all started while facilitating a psilocybin journey. Who would have thought? But that is the way things come about. When you are “aware,” you will not let the special little ideas that come to you go by the wayside. 

Consider this: What could become your “I don’t care if I fail project”? I would love to hear about it—really! And I think others would like to hear about others' projects, too. 

Shall we start sharing ideas? 

Send me a message HERE if you’re up to it - - brave one.




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